You can Help

What you CAN Do

Earth Dog has traveled far and wide to learn about Earth’s problems. The problems facing Earth seem bigger than ever. Choking air pollution, polluted water, endangered species, and overstuffed garbage dumps are just some of those problems. Earth Dog needs your help to solve those problems. Here are some tips from Earth Dog on how you can make a difference.


We all need clean air to breathe. However, air pollution is a big problem in many parts of the United States and the world. Here are some ways you can cut air pollution.

Turn it off ! Turn off the lights when you leave the room.

Electricity comes from power plants that burn coal or oil. The more electricity you use, the more coal or oil is burned.

Be kind to trees

Trees are like factories that make air. Without healthy trees, there is less clean air to breathe. Planting trees, using less paper or using recycled paper products saves trees.

Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, are choking Earth.

According to one organization, unless greenhouse gases are cut, the Earth’s mean temperature may rise by 2 to 6 degrees Fahrenheit in the next century.

Call your Newspaper!

That could lead to a rise in sea levels, droughts, disease, and famine.

Contact or petition your state and federal representatives to express your concerns about global warming and the need to promote renewable energy sources.

Visit  to learn more about Biomass Power.


We produce too much garbage and we’re running out of places to put it. According to one study, about 50 percent of the U.S. landfills expect be closed in 10 years or less. There are things you can do now, however, to reduce the amount of garbage that goes into landfills.

Buy goods that are wrapped in recycled or recyclable material. Make sure you recycle the wrapping. Organize a recycling drive to raise money and awareness of environmental issues.


Did you know that the average American uses 140-160 gallons of water per day? That’s about 58,000 gallons a year or 4 million gallons over 70 years. That’s a lot of water. We need to be careful about how we treat this valuable resource.

Wash clothes in warm and cold water, not hot water.

Go around your house and check out pipes and faucets for leaks to conserve water and don’t let the water run when you’re not using it.

There’s only so much clean water. The less you use, the more there is.